Volunteer in the clinical research and serve to the society for the best
Released on: June 28, 2008, 2:09 am
Press Release Author: Veeda Clinical Research
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Now Volunteer - Veeda Clinical Research is looking to recruitment Medical clinical trials and research volunteers.
Press Release Body: When the world is developing and becoming a global village, the number of fatal diseases is also increasing. Veeda CR which is a reputed clinical research company strives to provide remedy for them. It is a leading CRO which has an extensive experience of phase I and phase II clinical research. Each study of it answers scientific questions and tries to find superior ways to prevent, monitor, diagnose or treat a disease. The clinical trials at Veeda are also sometimes held to compare new treatment to the existing treatment and to find the pros and cons of it.
We, at Veeda CR welcome people who want to voluntarily take part in the clinical research activities. Here, you will not only be paid a good amount for that, but you will also be offered free health check. Generally the studies involve staying at the unit for a long period and during that time we provide you all the comforts over here. We think that it is our duty to provide comfort to you and so we have developed the unit beautifully. By volunteering in the clinical research at Veeda CR you will never be daunted. We also strive to develop the treatment for the cancer patients in the best way and so we have also set a special unit named Veeda oncology. It appeals to the sense of duty and service to choose to be a volunteer in a clinical trial. Take a moment to reflect on the unique importance of being a volunteer in developing a new ground breaking medicine for asthma or cancer. Without the support of people it simply will never happen.
Web Site: http://www.nowvolunteer.co.uk
Contact Details: Veeda Clinical Research - UK Old Convent of Notre Dame 119 Looseleigh Lane Derriford Plymouth PL6 5HH
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